Friday, October 23, 2009

In Praise of Autumn Weddings

I love autumn weddings, because I love autumn.

There is a chill in the air, which can be invigorating. But not the bitter cold of winter. The autumn air is often crisp, autumn night skies often clear.

It’s a time of harvesting, gathering, bringing things home. A time celebrated with hearty food and the soothing aromas of spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger. The start of the holiday season, with Thanksgiving and Christmas waiting in the wings.

There is a slight tinge of sadness in the air in autumn. Yet it is a beautiful kind of sadness – for as the leaves dry up and just before they fall, they give us those exquisite bursts of warm browns, orange, golden, and red. The color palette of autumn foliage is one of the beauties of nature. And we understand that the trees aren’t dying, they’re just going through a natural cycle, leading to the rebirth of all the greenery in the spring.

There is something cozy about an autumn wedding. With winter approaching, we’ll be spending more time indoors, doing cozy, intimate things. For a newly married couple, that means lots of quality time cuddled up together, curled up in front of a fire, enjoying the warmth of your home and of each other’s arms.

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