Thursday, June 18, 2009


By tradition, when the guests loudly clink their glasses together at a reception, the newlywed couple must kiss. In recent years, this ritual has fallen out of favor, but it's still common. It can be fun, but some brides and grooms prefer not to be put on the spot repeatedly, and some simply tire of all that clinking.

Here's a fun alternative: If a group of guests want the bride and groom to kiss, they must stand and sing a snippet from a love song. It can be any kind of love song -- rock or R&B, new or old, romantic or silly. Sometimes the bride and groom require that lyrics include the word "love" or "kiss."

Guests can be informed of the sing-for-a-kiss routine by written notices at the dining tables or by a DJ announcement at the start of dinner.

One side benefit is it gets the guests at each table talking -- and usually laughing -- as they try to come up with a mutually agreeable song with which to regale the bride and groom. And it's fun for everybody else to hear what songs the others have chosen, and to take delight in how well -- or how badly -- they sing.

I first heard this done at a wedding I DJ'd a few years ago; I hadn't even heard of it before. Just as I share my ideas and experiences with my clients, I learn from them as well!

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